30 Years of Experience in Financial Management

Wealth Management Services

For a select group of professionals, pre-retirees, and retirees we provide a holistic approach to financial planning and wealth management to help people safely grow their money for a secure retirement.




Investments can play a key role in your financial security plan. The right mix can safely help you achieve your goals.



Insurance is essential to any comprehensive financial security plan. It can protect you and your family from undue hardship.


Retirement Planning

Today people are living longer than ever before. To ensure the greatest chance of not out living your retirement savings, focusing on your financial plan is vital. There are many components to retirement planning that the right advisor can help you manage.

For business owners, we also provide customized 401(k) planning.


Managing Your Finances

Managing your finances is an important component to any financial security plan. Money management strategies help you manage your savings on a daily basis.


Investment Management 

Asset allocation is the process of selecting a mix of asset classes that closely matches an investor’s financial profile in terms of their investment preferences and tolerance for risk.


Comprehensive Financial Planning

A comprehensive financial plan that considers all areas of planning can be the difference between failure and success. We can provide you the leadership and guidance needed to relieve you of the burden of constant planning.

We are proudly partnered with Charles Schwab and Cadaret Grant

We Help Our Clients Accumulate and Distribute Wealth Through a 5-Step Process

  • Investment Planning
  • Income Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Insurance & Health Care Planning
  • Legacy Planning

The engagement process consists of discovery, analysis, strategy, presentation, implementation and monitoring.


Seven Key Risks

  • Longevity/Lifestyle: will you outlive your savings?
  • Health Care: can be devastating to life savings
  • Inflation: potential reduction in your purchasing power
  • Sequence of Returns: risk is highest right before retirement
  • Asset Allocation: high correlation of investments is a big risk
  • Market Volatility: withdrawal risk when the portfolio is down
  • Excessive Taxes: It's not how much you make, it's how much money you will keep


We Provide Leadership & Guidance for Our Clients

  • Tax reduction strategies
  • Construct portfolios to match your risk profile
  • Creating lifetime income streams that you cannot outlive
  • Show you how to invest for growth with limited risk
  • Help to protect you from liabilities
  • Assisting with wealth transfer for the next generation
  • We create a retirement blueprint for you


Clifford Michaels |
4 Pervasive Myths About Inflation Inflation can feel inescapable these days. For most of us, it also feels like inflation is higher and more persistent than it actually is. 1 That could be because we’re seeing higher prices practically everywhere. 1 Despite our experience, though, that misperception can actually harm us. It can also be bad for inflation in general. 1 That’s because thinking inflation is worse than it is can stoke our fears of...
Can you relate to any of the following? “I should have bought that stock before the company went public!” “What a shame — I wish I had invested in that new tech before it went mainstream!” What’s the next “unicorn” that will make a fortune?” It’s common to feel this way. Many of us experience “fear of missing out” — or FOMO — in our financial lives. 1 When we do, it can cloud our...
As a long-term investor, you’re always thinking about what factors drive your investment returns. Unfortunately, many investors focus on things that cause short-term changes and actually have no impact on long-term market returns. It’s not their fault – these myths are so commonly believed that many so-called “savvy investors” would preach to you of their importance. To help you make informed investment decisions, let’s look at three investment factors that, contrary to popular belief, don’t...

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